The Premium Card is only for guests who regularly stay in our hotel or restaurant. Criteria for joining the premium.
Guest: Business guests who wish to book in our hotel and come back for a stay. Guests who book a room in our hotel for their friends or colleagues (people or company). To be part of the premium membership program, the direction will always communicate the beneficiaries by phone or by a written form.
Incentives : Incentives will be given divided into levels and each level will be assigned to relevant alternatives.
Basis: As a basis for the allocation of levels will be the net value that the guest will generate for the hotel during a certain period.
Monthly average generated for 6 months, 250 euros. Total amount generated must not be less than 1500 euros. The price will be 15% of the value, 220 euros.
Exchange options:
– Lunch or dinner included in the quote
– A one night stay with breakfast included (from standard to executive room; costs do not exceed the quota if it concerns a double room)
Monthly average generated for 6 months, 500 euros. Total : 3000 euros. The price will be 10% of the value, 300 euros.
Exchange options:
– In cash
– A one night stay with breakfast in our executive suite.
– Lunch or dinner in the quote
Average monthly generated for 6 months 1000 Euros. Total 6000 euros. The price will be 20% of the value, 1200 euros.
Exchange options :
– In cash
– Lunch or dinner in the quote
– A one night stay with breakfast included (from standard to executive room; costs do not exceed the quota if it concerns a double room)
Monthly average generated for one year 1000Euro. Total 12000 euro. The price will be 25% of the value, 3000 euro.
Exchange options:
– Cash
– One night accommodation with breakfast at our Executive Suite
– Lunch or Dinner within the 15% of the total value
Free vacations at one of our hotel partner within the 20% of the total value
Rr. Myrtezim Këlliçi, Nr.20, 1017 Tirana, Albania
Phone : +355 4 22 00 001
Mob : +355 67 60 38 888
Email :